Combined Product Image

    Produkt Konfigurator Funktionen

    Always focused on the final product

    In this example we want to demonstrate to you how the Product Configurator can build a picture out of your configuration, depending on the selections you make. This feature helps the customer to get a visual appearance of his configuration.

    The Configurator is capable of saving a picture for every single option value. In the following example we have the options Colour and Structure. Every time you choose a value of one of these options, the product image is changed accordingly. This is performed by layering different transparent pictures, so in the end you can see the final product. The Combined Product Image can easily be used together with other extensions like jqZoom for Magento. If you hover your mouse over the image, it's getting enlarged, and even then it's still the proper picture to your selection.

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    Your contact person Marc Stachelhaus

    I am looking forward to give your further advice on the product configurator, respectivly for your individual use case

    • +49 (2802) 70795-20

    Marc Stachelhaus
